By: TFSP On: April 21, 2023 In: Article Comments: 0

Timber floor installation Melbourne is a fantastic choice for any home. Timber floors are beautiful, durable, warm and easy to care for. However, with high levels of humidity in the air and moisture penetrating your subflooring, it’s important to choose a product that can stand up to these conditions. We’ve put together this blog post to help you work out how you can install timber floors in an area where humidity is an issue.

Choose The Right Type Of Timber

Choosing the right type of timber for your area is important. Timber is a natural product and will expand and contract with humidity, so it’s best to use timbers that are more suitable for the conditions in your area.

If you live in an area with high humidity, consider using hardwoods like oak or maple because they’re less likely to swell up when exposed to moisture. If you live in an area with low humidity levels and want something that looks more exotic than pine or cedar (which tend to be used in many parts of Australia), then teak would be a good choice as well!

Ensure Proper Ventilation

One of the most important things to do while timber floor installation Melbourne in a high-humidity area is to ensure proper ventilation. Ventilate the room and allow moisture to escape by opening windows and doors, using a dehumidifier, running a fan to circulate air, or using a moisture meter to measure the humidity level.

If you don’t have enough ventilation in your home or office space, there are other ways to reduce excess moisture.

timber floor installation melbourne

Use Proper Underlay And Moisture Barriers

If you’re installing a floor in a high-humidity area, it’s important to use an underlay that can withstand the conditions. The best types of underlay are moisture-resistant (to prevent mould), good insulators (to keep your home warm), and sound insulators (to block out noise).

They should also be good thermal insulators so that heat from the sun doesn’t cause your floors to expand or contract too much. Finally, they should act as vapour barriers so that moisture doesn’t get trapped between layers of wood flooring.

Hire A Professional

If you are in an area with high humidity, it is recommended that you hire a professional to install your timber flooring. A professional will be able to ensure that the timber is installed correctly and help you choose the right type of timber for your area.

We can also help determine if an underlay or moisture barrier is necessary based on the moisture content of your concrete slab and how much water it absorbs during heavy rainstorms or humid days.

We hope this article has helped you understand what it takes to install timber floors in a high-humidity area.

If you’re still unsure about how to proceed, we recommend hiring a professional timber floor installation Melbourne service from Total Floor Sanding and Polishing.

We will know exactly what type of underlay and moisture barriers are best suited for your home, as well as how much ventilation space should be kept between each plank so we don’t warp over time due to excess moisture build-up.