First of all; why do we sand a wood floor? If you ask this question to floor contractor, then typical responses may include, repairing damage floor, change the floor colour, to protect the investment, and to change the finish sheen. After all, there are many more reasons that you haven’t thought yet. And, that’s why you have to seek floor polishing and sanding company in Melbourne to complete the floor jobs.
The main reason behind floor sanding is, whether your floor is new or existing, it will give beauty to a renewable resource that can be repaired instead of replaced. As a well-known floor sanding contractor in Melbourne, I am going to answer a few of your mind-puzzling questions to find out a way for you.
Choose an expert company carefully
There are many companies that claim to provide complete floor sanding and polishing services. But, it is up to you whom should you rely upon. Choosing a guy or handing over the home sanding and the polishing job is undoubtedly a tough job. You can also ask your near and dear ones about the contractor who can complete the job like a pro. Get referrals from trusted friends and go through their previous work.
Ask if you are in need of a full refinishing
If your home floor doesn’t have gouges and the finish has not been completely worn through anywhere then you may be able to get away without completing the job. Instead, the floor guy will sand the existing finish and apply the new finish right over the top. Sometimes, it is called a screen and poly job, or sometimes, it is called maintenance and coat and might save half of the buck for full refinishing. Moreover, it doesn’t remove any wood, because there is no limit on how many times it can be done to a particular floor.
Be ready with the colour palette
If the floor has a deep and rich colour then it is not the natural colour of the wood. A stain was applied when the floor was installed or it was finished. Having the floors screened will not affect the stain but, if you are doing a full refinishing job then, the stain will be removed throughout the process. And so, your floor will be light in colour than the original colour. Most popular colours are grey, white, brown, and chocolate.
Be ready with a plan to move out
You will need to leave the premises for a few days while the task happened because you can’t walk on the finish while it is wet. Sanding floors will take a day or two but the stain and each of the three coats of finish will dry before the next coat can go on.
Wrap up!
Thus, seek floor polishing and sanding company in Melbourne that can complete the floor pampering job like a specialist. Thanks for reading this article. Spread as much as you can!