It is very simple, call us on 03 8510 1553 or fill the inquiry form on the home page or fill the Get a Quote form and we will be in contact with you to discuss your project in details
We have many payment options like Cash, Credit Cards (3% Bank surcharge apply), Business cheques or Bank Transfer (prior arrangements required)
We use two types of floor polishing materials:
It depends on the size of the job (square meter), new or old timber and what time of the year as the weather can affect drying time, but generally speaking the minimum is 2 days and the average is 4-5 days
Yes, it is possible to change the timber floor color, but it will require deep sanding to the whole floor to remove the existing polish first to get to the bare timber and then apply the stain over the timber boards surface before proceeding to the polishing stage, this process will take one full day.
Yes, it is highly recommended to avoid any inconsistency with the floor finish if we have to polish around existing furniture.
It is very important to do all renovation tasks on the right order to allow for an easy access to all trades without any damage to any finished jobs, so the floor polishing job should be the last task in any renovation project and no any trades should be carried out while the polishing job is underway.
I want to remove some tiled areas in my house and replace with solid hardwood floor, can you do the whole job then?
Yes, we can use the existing timber floor as a subfloor which will save more money of removing and re-leveling the existing subfloor, just filling of any existing holes and go straight to the installation of the new floor on top of the existing timber floor which will save money & time.